Samstag, 8. Dezember 2012

FIrst Steps

Hey people!

So, wednesday I went to the shop and bought a grafictablet. I had absolute 0 time to test it! But today I tested it for like 4 hours and its pretty rad. The first 10 minutes sucked because I had no idea what to do and I had no feeling of the paper nor the pressure I use but then, after some time of trying, I started my first attempt.

Mushrooms what else? So I made some mushrooms in black and white and im pretty amazed how fast I got used to the programm and the tablet. For the first three mushrooms (center) I took like 1,5 hours to make them the way they look. For the 2 shrooms on the right side I needed like 30 minutes. Im sure I will test out alot more with the programm (which is btw ArtRage 3.5). But first im gonna make this picture ready cuz im really in love with it right now. Further pictures will be more psychedelic (colors n shit).

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